“If you haven't been to Baja Cantina, you haven't really been to Cabo.”™
“If you haven't been to Baja Cantina, you haven't really been to Cabo.”™
When they arrive... they slowly walk to the Northeast Corner and stand in reverence.
There is deep history here.
It is said that every winner had their "lucky" meal here before their victory. And most have their celebratory meal right here as well; a little stronger, a little wiser... and a LOT richer.
There is deep history here.
As you make your way to the Northeast Corner... look up. These are portraits of the vessels whose names and whose crews are part of the very soul of Cabo San Lucas.
There is deep history here.
And then there's Bob Bisbee. You pass his table on the way to the Northeast Corner... there beneath the weeping fig tree. The name Bob Bisbee is a treasured name around these parts. This beloved patriarch of the world's richest fishing tournament spent many of his days sitting right here... at "his" table.
There is deep history here.
The Northeast Corner... has seen the creation of more overnight wealth than almost anywhere else on the planet.
From the Bisbee's Black & Blue and Bisbee's Los Cabos Offshore, to the Los Cabos Tuna Jackpot, to the Pelagic Tripple Crown and Pelagic Rock Star Tuna, we are proud to be the home of the toughest, most exciting, most prestigious, and richest sport-fishing tournaments in the world.
When visitors pass this hallowed place, we greet them with gratitude, usher them into a place revered by anglers all over the world, and some... after eating a satisfying and memorable meal... head out to sea... then return to this guardian of sport-fishing history... stand in the Northeast Corner... and take their place among the rich.
They will eat a celebratory meal here with us... tell their grand story... and fondly remember those who have come before.
This is Baja Cantina. If you haven't been to Baja Cantina, you haven't really been to Cabo.
There is deep history here.
In the "Northeast Corner".
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+52 624 154 0076
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